- LOUIS BRAILLE was an Educator , Catholic priest and inventor of a system of reading and writing for use by the blind. This system is known as “BRAILLE SYSTEM”
HOW HE GO BLIND? His father “SIMON BRAILLE” worked as a village saddler .Louis often spent time in his fathers workshop. When he was 3 years old , he was playing with some tools to make holes in a piece of leather. While pressing down to make holes ,the tools slipped and stuck on his one eye. No treatment saved the damaged eye and the wound got infected .This infection spreads to his after eye ,thus making him completely blind at the age of five . INVENTION OF BRAILLE SYSTEM In 1821, BRAILLE Learned of a communication system developed by CAPTAIN “Charles Barbier” .His invention of night weiting was a code of dots and dashes . The system developed by CAPTAIN CHARLES BARBIER was too complicated but it inspired BRAILLE to come up with a new system . This system is known as “BRAILLE SYSTEM”
IMPLEMENTATION OF BRAILLE SYSTEM BRAILLE published his system on 1829 and added symbols for both mathematics and music . But the public showed no interest in BRAILLE SYSTEM and there for blind students were forced to study BRAILLE SYSTEM on their own Even at the Royal institution where LOUIS taught BRAILLE SYSTEM was not included on the curriculum. In 1854,two years after the death of LOUIS BRAILLE ,due to the frequent request of blind pupils, “BRAILLE SYSTEM” was implemented in the” ROYAL INSTITUTION”
PROFILE Name – LOUIS BRAILLE Date of birth – 4th January,1809 Place of birth – COUPVRAY,FRANCE Nationality – FRENCH Education – INSTITUTE NATIONAL DES JEUNES AVEUGLES Books –THE 1839 BROCHURE NEW METHOD FOR REPRESENTING BY DOTS ,THE FORM OF LETTERS Famous –BRAILLE SYSTEM Died – 6th January,1852 [Aged 43] Place of death –PARIS,FRANCE .
NOTE In 1952 BRAILLE SYSTEM was finally recognized by the FRENCH GOVERNMENT and his body was taken from the village comentary in his home town COUPVARY and reburied in the “PANTHEON IN PARIS “,with other French National Heroes.