
Deformity of red blood cells in sickle cell anaemia patients affect their body – സിക്കിൾ സെൽ അനീമിയ രോഗികളിൽ ചുവന്ന രക്താണുക്കളുടെ വൈകല്യം ശരീരത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നു

How does the deformity of red blood cells in sickle cell anaemia patients affect their body

The abnormal shape of the red blood cells in sickle cell anaemia patients affects the body in a variety of ways. The abnormal shape of the red blood cells makes them more prone to breakage and clumping together, which can reduce their ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. This can lead to anaemia, fatigue, and even organ damage. The abnormal cells can also block blood vessels, causing pain and swelling, and can lead to other complications such as infection and stroke.
