

Name the organs that help to remove waste materials from blood and how it maintain homeostasis – രക്തത്തിലെ മാലിന്യങ്ങളെ നീക്കം ചെയ്യാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്ന അവയവങ്ങളും അത് ഹോമിയോസ്റ്റാസിസ് നിലനിർത്തുന്ന വിധവും

Kidneys: The kidneys filter out waste products from the blood and excrete them as urine. This helps to maintain homeostasis by removing toxic substances from the body. Liver: The liver processes and removes toxins from the body, and helps to maintain the balance of electrolytes in the blood. Intestines: The intestines absorb water and nutrients …

Name the organs that help to remove waste materials from blood and how it maintain homeostasis – രക്തത്തിലെ മാലിന്യങ്ങളെ നീക്കം ചെയ്യാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്ന അവയവങ്ങളും അത് ഹോമിയോസ്റ്റാസിസ് നിലനിർത്തുന്ന വിധവും Read More »

Excretory organs – വിസർജ്ജന അവയവങ്ങൾ

The excretory organs of the human body are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys are responsible for filtering and removing waste from the body, as well as producing hormones that help regulate blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production. Ureters are tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder and help …

Excretory organs – വിസർജ്ജന അവയവങ്ങൾ Read More »

The waste materials formed inside the cells reach excretory organs – കോശങ്ങൾക്കുള്ളിൽ രൂപപ്പെടുന്ന മാലിന്യങ്ങൾ വിസർജ്ജന അവയവങ്ങളിൽ എത്തുന്നത്

The waste materials formed within the cells are transported to the excretory organs through the blood vessels. Once the waste materials reach the excretory organs, they are then eliminated from the body in the form of urine, feces, and sweat.

Excretion – വിസർജ്ജനം

Excretion is the process by which metabolic waste products and other toxins are eliminated from an organism’s body. These by-products of the body’s metabolism are usually in the form of liquids, gases, and solids. Examples of excretion include sweating, respiration, urination, and defecation.

Electrolysis of alumina – അലുമിനയുടെ വൈദ്യുതവിശ്ലേഷണം

Alumina (Al2O3) is a compound of aluminium and oxygen. It is insoluble in water and does not react with acids or bases. However, it can be broken down into its component ions by electrolysis. In the electrolysis of alumina, the solid is dissolved in a molten solution of cryolite (Na3AlF6) and the ions are separated …

Electrolysis of alumina – അലുമിനയുടെ വൈദ്യുതവിശ്ലേഷണം Read More »

Concentration of bauxite – ബോക്സൈറ്റിന്റെ സാന്ദ്രണം

The concentration of bauxite varies greatly depending on the location in which it is found. In some places, it can be up to 60-70% aluminium oxide, whereas in others it can be as low as 30-40%. The bauxite added NaOH solution step is a process used to extract aluminium from bauxite ore. In this process, …

Concentration of bauxite – ബോക്സൈറ്റിന്റെ സാന്ദ്രണം Read More »

Extraction of aluminium – അലുമിനിയം വേർതിരിച്ചെടുക്കൽ

Aluminium is the most abundant metal on Earth. It is extracted from its ore, bauxite, by electrolysis. The process involves dissolving the bauxite in hot caustic soda and then passing an electric current through it. This causes the aluminium to be deposited as a thin layer on the anode and oxygen to be released at …

Extraction of aluminium – അലുമിനിയം വേർതിരിച്ചെടുക്കൽ Read More »

Different types of Alloy steels – വ്യത്യസ്ത തരം അലോയ് സ്റ്റീലുകൾ

Low Alloy Steel: Low alloy steel is a type of alloy steel that has small amounts of one or more alloying elements (such as manganese, silicon, nickel, titanium, copper, chromium and aluminium) added to it. This provides improved mechanical properties and/or greater resistance to corrosion than carbon steel. Low alloy steels are used in a …

Different types of Alloy steels – വ്യത്യസ്ത തരം അലോയ് സ്റ്റീലുകൾ Read More »
