From question 1-5, Answer any four.
1.Individual’s ability to live in harmony with the systems of the society is called (Mental Health,Social Health,Physical Health,Emotional Health)
2._____________ are not there in the skeletal system. (Bones,Joints,Ligaments,Muscles)
3.Who has won the most number of Olympic medals ever? (Usain Bolt,Carl Louis,Michael Phelps,Maradona)
4.What is the name given to joints which do not permit movements? (Immovable Joints,Slightly Movable Joints,Freely Movable Joints,Joints Of The Shoulder)
5.The ability of the muscles to work continuously without fatigue is known as__________ (Strength,Power,Muscular Endurance,Flexibility)
From questions 6 -10,Answer any four.
6.Write down word health organization’s definition of Healh? 7.Based on their mode of movement how many groups of joints are there? Name them? 8.What are the important functions of muscles? 9.What is meant by performance related physical fitness? 10.What do you mean by balance?
From questions 11 & 12,Answer any one.
11.What are freely movable joints? Give examples. 12.How do physical and recreational activities bring in changes in a person’s emotional and mental health?
Art Education
Question 1 -6 Answer any four.
1.Where does the shadow from,when light falls from the left side of an object? (Left Side,Right Side,Upper Side,No Shadow)
2.The famous cave pictures of Karalla are carved on gigantic rocks in a cave in Wyanad District.Name the Cave.(Edakkal,Bhimbedka,Altamira,Ellora)
3.The important and popular art form of Kerala. (Kathak,Ottanthullal,Mohiniyattam,Koodiyattam)
4.There is an idiom called “Shinkidi Paduka” in common use. In which art form is there a singer called “shinkidi”?(Mohiniyattom,Bharathanatyam,Kathakali,Koodiyattyam)
5.The kind of Thullal form in which headgear(crown)is not used. (Parayan Thullal,Sheethankal Thullal,Ottan Thullal,Padayani)
6.Which among the following word carries the meaning ‘acting’? (Narthanam,Prakadanam,Nadanam,Avatharanam)
Questions 7-10 Answer any two(2×3=6)
7.Frame three questions so that the facts given in the paragraph on Raja Ravi Varma become their answer.
Raja Ravi Varma
Raja Ravi Varma was born on 29 April 1848 in kilimanoor. He exhibited his talents as a painterly drawing pictures on the walls of the palace. He become a popular painter in the Indian art history by showing his potential in oil painting which was believed to be a monopolised art form of westerners. Majority of his paintings are that of mythological characters.He established a lithograph press in Mumbai in 1894 for popularising his pictures by making them accessible to each and every home. ‘Sakunthala’, ‘Hamsa Damayanthi’,’gypsikal’etc are some of his famous works. This great artist passed away at the age of 58,on 2nd October 1906 at Attingal.
8.What all things are to be considered when singing songs having different rhythms? 9.Foreign guests,who have come to visit your School, want to know about the traditional art form’Ottanthullal’.What would you describe to them? Give your answer in four or five sentences. 10.Imagine you are acting in a drama as an old man/old woman.What all changes will you bring in your expressions and movements?Answer in three sentences.
Questions 11 to 12,Answer any one.
11.Draw a diagram showing the formation of shadow,while you are standing facing the sun.Yourself,shadow and Sun should be there in the diagram. 12.A discussion on’Chenda’,’Thimila’and’Madhalam’came up in a programme which you attended.Write a short note on any one of these instruments in three or four sentences.
Questions 13 – 14,Answer any one.
13.Imagine you came to see tribals performing their traditional dance during your vacation tour.Answer in two or tree sentences,the things you might have observed in their performance? 14.Cite any two differences between mono act and Kadhaprasangam.
work education
Questions 1 – 4 Answer any three.
1.Choose the plant in which layering is not possible. (Jasmine,Wild Jasmine(Pichi),Coconut,Guava)
2.The plant that is known as the mother of medicinal plants. (Aloe Vera,Neem,Hibiscus,Tulsi)
3.Which among the following is not a cleaning equipment? (Dust pan,broom,Screw driver,spade)
4.Fill up the blank box in the given flow chart

Questions 5 – 9 Answer any four.
5.Write the name of agricultural equipment given in pictures.Write the uses of any one among them.