What are the measures to be taken to prevent the transmission of rat fever ?
- Practice good hygiene. Wash hands with soap and water regularly, especially after handling animals or their droppings.
- Wear gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants when handling or disposing of animals or their droppings.
- If a person is exposed to rat droppings, wash the exposed area with soap and water immediately.
- Discourage rats from entering homes by sealing off cracks and openings around windows, doors, and attic vents.
- Use rat-proof containers to store food and feed.
- Do not touch dead rats or their droppings.
- Dispose of rat carcasses and droppings properly.
- Keep pets away from rat-infested areas.
- Get rid of standing water to discourage rats from visiting your home.
- Make sure food scraps are disposed of in sealed containers.