Answer any 4 questions from 1 to 5.Each question carries 1 score
1.Name the technique to reduce the effect of jumping when a person jumps from a height. (a.Rolling b.Landing c.Lifting d.Catching)
2.The emergency first aid given to a person who faints on an accident. (a.RICE b.Sling c.ABC d.Splint)
3.State of displacement of bones from the joint. (a.Fracture b.Dislocation c.Contusion d.Sunstroke)
4.The state in which the cells of the skin are destroyed by the ultra violet rays from the sun. (a.Heart attack b.Fracture c.Sunstroke d.Contusion)
5.Raising a comparatively heavy object is called___________ (a.Lifting b.Landing c.Catching d.Rolling)
Answer any 4 questions from 6 to 10.Each question carries 2 score.
6.How can you identify a bone fracture? 7.Name the four methods to ensure whether the mjured person,who is unconscious,is breathing or not. 8.What is a splint? 9.What are the precautions to be taken to prevent sunstroke? 10.While playing football,your friend has dislocated his shoulder joint.What First Aid will be given to him?
Answer any one of the following questions 11 and 12.Correct answer carries 3 score
11.What care should be taken while practising yoga? 12.What is rolling?What are its types?
Art Education
Answer any 4 questions from 1 to 6.Each question carries 1 score.
1.We draw the picture of a man walking forward speedily.If his right leg is drawn forward,what will be the position of the left leg of the man? (a.Forwad b.Backward c.Upward d.Downward)
2.Identify the odd tree from the following. (a.Mango b.Coconut c.Jack fruit d.Tamarind)
3.Which one of the following is a wind instrument used in folk art forms? a.Pulluva veena b.Uduku c.Cheenikuzhal d.Thdi)
4.The instruments which follow the main musical instuments in a musical concert is known as : a.Pakkavadyangal b.Leather instruments c.Metal instruments d.Upapakkavadyangal)
5.The body part which functions as the main item in acting. (a.Face b. Steps c.Hands d.Legs)
6.The written form of a drama (a.Costume b.Script c.Direction d.Lighting)
Answer any 1 question from 7 and 8.Each question carries 2 score.
7.Name two human body parts which are used for communication. 8.Arrange the following dialogues in order.
Beggar : This food is very tasty. Housewife : What do you want? Beggar : Thank you for your kindness. Beggar: I’m hungry.
Answer any two of the following questions from 9 to 12.Each carries 3 score
9.Trees have leaves.Have you noticed the growth of leaves?Tender leaves,full grown leaves,ripe leaves,dried leaves etc.When you draw the picture of these leaves,what colours eill you use? Example:Tender leaves – light green
10.Name any six musical instrument used with folk art forms. 11.Shringaram(love),bhayanakam(fear)and rawdram (anger)are the three rasas (facial expressions)among the navarasa,list the other rasas. 12.Write any three points to be considered while drawing the picture of a flood relief camp.
Answer any one of the following questions from 13 and 14.Each carries 3 score
13.Prepare the sketch of a picture to be added in the poster prepared against deforestation.You can draw using a pen also. 14.Prepare a short note on Pakkavadyas.
Work Education
Answer any 3 questions from 1 to 4.each question carries 1 score.
1.Identify the instrument used to detect the presence of electricity.

2.The type of paper used to smoothen the wooden furniture. (a.News paper b.Sand paper c. A4paper d. Crape paper)
3.Which of the following is commonly used for making flexi file? a. Chart paper b. Straw board c. Card board d. A4 paper)
4.From the following identify the one which is not an origami picture.

Answer any 4 questions from 5 to 9.Each question carries 2 score.
5. Write any two harmful effects of burning plastic. 6.Name any two decorative things that can be made using spath of arecanut palm. 7.What are the essential things required for making an umbrella? 8.Complete the diagram using name of the bamboo products.

9.Name any four common tools used for making wooden furniture.
Answer any one of the following questions from 10 and 11.Correct answer carries 4 score.
10.Write the process of shirt making. 11.The diagram of an eclipse is given below.What materials are needed to make the model of it?Explain how you will make a model?