I am happy to speak on the subject, ‘Agriculture’. Man had been wandering in the ancient past. They collected tubers and fruits for food. While wandering they noticed some corns. They tested it. They found it edible. An idea came to them. They began to cultivate it. They got rich harvest. Thus they started agriculture. It is the story of the beginning of agriculture.
What is agriculture? Hope you know it. Agriculture is the practice of cultivating the land and rearing animals.
When agriculture began, man began to settle. They caught wild animals and tamed them. Thus agriculture included animal husbandry too.
We now eat rice, wheat, meat etc. Have you ever thought of the poor village people while eating rice? Could you ever produce even a grain of paddy? The answer might be ‘no’, I think. We survive eating the agricultural produces. But we often give no importance to agriculture. Could you ever plant a green chilly plant even?
See, give the greatest importance to agriculture. Otherwise we will have to starve. All, the rich and poor will die out of famine.
Give the peasant the topmost position in your mind. Consider him next to God. Honour him. Help him to prosper. Prosperity of the peasant is prosperity of humanity. Beware of it.
Thank you all.