Answer all questions from 1 to 7.
1.Name the art of writing of the Mesopotamians? 2.Name the upper layer of earth crust which is rich in silica and Alumina? 3.Write any two common features of bronze age civilizations? 4.Identify different types of rocks from the indicators given below and complete the table.

5.Write any two jurisdiction of high court? 6.Prepare a short not about Mesolithic age? 7.Arrange column’A’with appropriate items from column ‘B’

Answer any three question from 8 to 11.3 score each.
8.What is money bill? Find out its significance? 9.Prepare a note on the achievements made by the Mesopotaminas in the field of Science and Mathematics? 10.What are the main means to conserve the soil? 11.Explain the progress of human life during the Chaleolithic age.
Answer any three questions from 12 to 15.4 score each.
12.Explain the important features of Harappan Citites. 13.Discuss the different type of rock on the mode of fomation? 14.Mention the important cases considered by the Supreme Court? 15.Explain the important features of neolithic age?
Answer any one of the following question 5 score each.
16.Discuss the main functions of parliament of India? 17.Analyse the contributions of Egyptian civilization on the basis of the given indicators? indicator: * Art of Writing * Science * Sculpture