

Beloved teachers and my dear friends,
I am happy to have a chance to speak on the subject ‘Self-confidence’. First of all we should examine ourselves what self-confidence is.
No, doubt it is one’s own reliance for himself/herself. When do we lack self-confidence?
The answer is ‘when we are troubled with the deficiency of trust in our own self.
When does it come evident?
It is evident in different situations. For example, when we are in a meeting which continues beyond the scheduled time, and we are likely to miss another engagement due to the delay in ending the meeting, and when we want to leave the place, we may not be ready to get up and move out until a person takes initiative to leave the meeting. This is due to lack of self-confidence. Likewise, we may sometimes be reluctant to make a speech before a large audience of teachers and our friends. This is due to our doubt that if we would be right in our way of presentation of the matter and approach. This is also due to lack of self-confidence.
What results this? No doubt it is our feeling that we are not competent to speak on the subject proposed.
What is the solution for it?
There are several ways that make us self-confident.
They are:
i) Encouragement and love from others.
Even a child need encouragement. Love which it receives from its mother makes it self-confident. And it grows up as a significant person with self-confidence. Indifference on the part of parents result lack of self-confidence in the child.
Self-confidence is not something one is born with. It is given to the individual at his/her early part of life.

How can one overcome the lack of self-confidence. There are the ways for it:

  • We must consider ourselves as an individual with considerable merits.
  • Think that we are as valuable as any other person.
  • Recognize our abilities.
  • Learn to take care of our appearance because it is the first sign of our self-confidence.
  • Be a good listener and a good speaker.
  • Accept ourselves as we are.
  • Begin everyday in a cheerful manner.
  • Accept our own personality.
  • Appreciate our own merits.
  • Begin to give up fear. Enjoy life as it is.

If we follow these, we will be self-confident, sure. Hope you will follow the said ways.
Thank you all.